Post you job offers (or Training Courses, Franchising Offers, etc) IMMEDIATELY, by quickly receiving all the professional profiles of those candidates who are interested in your job offer.
IMMEDIATELY view 2,000,000 professional profiles and contact those which match your requests.
24 years experience
2.000.000 professional profiles.
100.000 employers
Assistance to your Business.
Multi-channel posting on our network's portals.
Job offers sent to matching applicants via e-mail.
Visibility on search engine, social media and mobile.
Online management of the applications received. will assign a Business a Personal Advisor in order to assist you step by step, and to show you the best and most efficient tools which will immediately allow you to find the Professional Profiles that match your requests.
Lucia Russo
Alessia Marvuglia
Barbara Tutrone
800 48 28 82
Numero verde (dalle 10:00 alle 18:00) - Esclusi sabato, domenica e festivi.
+39 0461 16 75 190
800 48 28 82
Toll free (from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm) - Not available on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.
+39 0461 16 75 190
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